Branding Yourself on Social Media Part 2

Let’s talk a bit more about branding yourself on social media. When writing my social media posts, I like to use my own wording and voice if I can because it’s more authentic. Sometimes I use my own content while other times I use the content from Avon Social.

How do you get people’s attention with your posts? 

Use the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule is 80% personal and 20% the sell. The 80% can be anything from interactive posts to sharing your hobbies. What makes you you? You are your own brand. Think of yourself as your own TV station or network. The commercials are what you are selling and the show is about you. Are you posting all sales on your station (social media platforms)? People aren’t going to stay around if it’s all about selling. They want to stay because they want to be entertained, enlightened, and educated. They want to get to know you as a person. 

Post relevant links. Do not include the link to a product or to your online store if the post falls under the 80% personal. If I’m posting a picture of a sunset, I’d might write a caption such as “What a beautiful sunset tonight! Did you get to enjoy the sunset?” What happens when I include a link to my online store? When people see the picture of the sunset and click on the link, they may ask, “What does the sunset have to do with her online store? It’s spammy and irrelevant and doesn’t make sense.” They may even stop following me.

If posting a picture of a cake you baked, you can include the link to the recipe since it’s relevant to the post. After all, you need the directions to the recipe! 

Put some thought into your posts. It’s easy to just add the link to a post and post it immediately, but have you put some thought into what you are posting? Will people stop scrolling and click on the post with just the link or will they scroll right by? People may be more prone to stop scrolling when they see an interesting caption or blurb that catches their attention. 

Be authentic. Have fun. Relax. Be yourself. Don’t stress out if you are not getting immediate engagement. Branding yourself isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s a work in progress.

What types of posts are there to post? 

Curiosity postsCuriosity posts are posts that do not give people all the information. You may give some information or word it in such a way to peak their interest enough that they want to click on the link to the product, comment, or message you to find out more. Think of curiosity posts in terms of a movie or book trailer, book blurb, or a sample of a book. After seeing the trailer or reading the book blurb or sample, you want to purchase or preorder it because you enjoyed it and want more. 

Open ended questionsAsk open ended questions that will prompt engagement and a discussion.

Interactive posts: Interactive posts are another great conversation starter. Examples include this or that or if you had a million dollars what would you do with it? 

Testimonials: Have you or a customer tried the product? Give your honest opinion. What do you like about the product? What did you not like about the product? For example, The fragrance is too floral for me but if you like floral scents, you’ll enjoy it.

Personal posts: Give your online followers a glimpse into your life. Share pictures of what you like to do for fun. Do you like taking pictures of flowers or nature? Do you like cooking, baking, doing jigsaw puzzles, bowling, or antique shopping? Allow your online followers to get to know you.

Theme posts: Theme posts are like Monday motivation, Tip Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday, Wear it Wednesday, Wisdom Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Follow Friday, or Friday fun.

A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Which ones do you need to implement or work on?

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