Social Media Etiquette

You just signed up to become an Avon Representative and are excited to launch your business. You want to tell your friends on social media about your new business, but you want to be professional in how to do it via messenger, text, or direct message.   Too often we use social media improperly and forget that social media and messaging is about connecting or reconnecting  with people.

Do’s and Don’ts

Do use Messenger for one-on-one conversation not for sending spam messages, chain messages, etc.  

If a friend wishes you a Happy Birthday via Messenger, don’t reply back with “Hey, check out my website!” True story: This happened to me. I wished someone a Happy Birthday via Messenger. The person didn’t respond back with a “Thank you. How are you doing?” but rather with “Follow me on my YouTube channel.” No thank you, no small conversation. I didn’t check out that person’s Youtube channel. Will I wish that person a Happy Birthday next time? Most likely not. If that person had engaged me in small conversation and asked for my feedback, I’d have checked it out.

Don’t send friend requests to people and invite them to like your business page as soon as they accept your friend request for the sole purpose of getting more likes on your page. Engage with them instead and connect or reconnect with them.

Avoid sending a lengthy salesy pitch over Messenger or DM.

Be authentic no matter what. Just be yourself.

What are your pet peeves about Social Media Etiquette? Are you guilty of any of these?

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