Branding Yourself on Social Media Part 1

What draws you to a page and makes you wanting to keep coming back for more? Interactive posts, memes, eye-catching photos? 

Whether you have your own business, just signed up to become an Avon Representative, or already are one, it’s important to know how to brand yourself on social media. 

Branding yourself means being yourself, being authentic, having fun, and sharing what you are passionate about. What makes you you? Why should people buy from you? What sets you apart from others?

Branding yourself is not going to happen overnight. It’s going to take time, consistency, patience, and reevaluation. You may not get engagement and/or sales immediately on social media, but they will come. Just don’t quit too soon because you aren’t seeing immediate engagement or sales. 


Create a Facebook business page.

Update your social media accounts. Which social media accounts do you use the most? Update your social media platforms so they contain your information and website.

  • Facebook: In the Work section in the About me on your personal profile you can type in the name of your business page so people can find your business page easily on your personal profile. You can add your other social media platforms in the social media links on your personal profile.
  • Facebook business page: Fill out the About section and necessary information, add a Call to Action button that will send people to your website, and add a picture of yourself so people can put a name to a face.
  • Instagram and Twitter: Add a description in the bio and add your website link. 

Be consistent about posting. Posting once a week or month will not get you much engagement nor get your posts noticed. Determine how many times you want to post, whether you want to post 3 times a week or once a day. You can always increase the amount of times you want to post per week or per day, but don’t overwhelm people with too many posts in their newsfeed.

Study other influencers or brands. What type of content are they posting that gets engagement? What are some ideas you can incorporate or try on your page? 

Use the 80/20 rule: 80% personal and 20% the sell. People want to connect with you as a person first and want to get to know you before they buy so share your hobbies/interests. Are you into health? Share some healthy recipes, tricks and tips, and photos of you running or hiking. Are you a mom with children? You can relate to other moms with children. Are you an avid reader like me? Share links to books you are reading or have read. Throw in some other fun content such as GIFS, memes, puzzles, or interactive posts. 

Create and curate content. You can share posts from other pages to your page. You can also create your own posts such as sharing pictures of your pet, your outfit of the day, what you are doing, or nature.

Join groups. Join Facebook groups based on your niches or interests. Since I’m a bookworm, I’m in many authors’ or readers’ groups. Engage with other members and administrators of the group by liking, commenting on, or replying to their posts and comments. They may send you a friend request. I only accept friend requests after I have interacted with them in the group after some time. Use your discretion about sending and accepting friend requests with people in a group. 

Find your voice. Instead of copying posts and pictures word for word, use your own words. People want to hear your voice and your thoughts. Have you tried this product? What do you think of it?

Got any more tips? Share them.

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